Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you had a great holiday and are looking forward to all the wonderful things that 2015 will bring. I like to look at the new year as a time to reflect and make positive changes that will enrich my life and that of those around me. It's also a good time to evaluate where you are with your music and make decisions that will move it in the right direction.

2015 is starting off with a bang. Here's what's happeing.

Priscilla Barker goes to American Idol

We are so very proud of student Priscilla Barker who has her golden ticket to this year's American Idol. Priscilla made it all the way to Hollywood last year but lost her voice just before she went on stage. Renee's advice to Priscilla, "Don't forget to warm up your voice before you go out to perform. Even if all you do are the zzzzz's."

Here's a link to Priscilla's audition.

I know you will all join with us to cheer her on.


I'm very excited to be traveling back to Australia to present my "Vocal Master Class" in 9 major cities and New Zealand. This will be my fourth trip to Australia and I'm looking forward to seeing some past students and meeting new singers. I'll be heading out on the 16th of February and will be returning on the 4th of May.


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